Gen Z’ers are no longer just the new kids on the block. They’re starting to actively take the business world by storm, replacing recent retirees and ready to shake up the world of work.
Beyond the generalizations and stereotypes you may have about the next generation, they have specific priorities shaped by their upbringing and the transformations they’ve already seen in their young lives. They’re shaping what the world will look like in the years to come—and it’s important for everyone to pay attention.
Part of understanding what makes Gen Z tick is understanding what motivates them to join—and stick with—a company. In order to ensure the success of your business in the years to come, you need to prioritize attracting and retaining the next generation.
We’ve taken a deep dive into the demands and preferences of those born between 1995 and 2015, and we’re sharing our findings in this comprehensive guide to attracting and retaining Gen Z workers.